EARPANDA Wireless TV Headphones for seniors are a great way to keep your loved one engaged in activities that they love. These wireless tv headphones use the transmitter on their own television set or video source, as well as other wirelessly transmitting equipment like digital and analogue formats alike so you can enjoy watching something together without having any interference from background noise.
The Equipped EARPANDA wireless tv headphones will amplify the sound signal and send it to senior's ears wirelessly. No need for pairing, no time delay! Turn on and play.

The Bass-Treble Adjustment Function sends impaired users’ feedback to us so that they can get the help and service necessary. It is helpful for those who have difficulty hearing TV in either a low volume or high tone but may also suffer from some other hearing problems.

The internal microphone is a great way to improve your voice and hearing. The mic will help you hear what people are saying, so it's perfect for people with poor phones or who need better sound quality when relating in group conversations.

With EARPANDA's original double side charging function, seniors, and the hearing impaired will be able charge their tv headsets more easily.
For seniors and hard-of hearing individuals, we suggest they consider the EARPANDA Wireless TV Headphones. These wireless tv headphones for seniors and hard of hearing are affordable with very high-performance capabilities for your budget!
We're very excited to announce that our new website is now live! You can find us at EARPANDA and order a device for your loved ones, such as tv headphones for seniors and haring impaired--all while they still have an affordable price point which will save you money in the long run from paying out of -pocket costs every month themselves if this becomes necessary later on down the line.
You will always receive top-notch service from us.